Explosion de Saveurs Estivales: Découvrez le Meilleur Punch à la Fraise
pour Vos Soirées
L’été approche à grands pas, amenant avec lui une palette de saveurs
fruitées qui promettent d’agrémenter nos moments de détente et de
convivialité. Parm...
for 4 timer siden
oh you are so right about the camera and mindfulness. so in the present and everything else is swept away....
SvarSlettMy office is buying a very good camera and some very good lenses:) I am so excited!
I totally agree :)
SvarSlettI never thought of that..but it's a wonderful way to focus the mind. What a good use for the camera!
SvarSlettI also always feel photography is a form of focused meditation; if I don't get somwehat lost in the activity, the photos lose a certain light, or a will for surprise.