Explosion de Saveurs Estivales: Découvrez le Meilleur Punch à la Fraise
pour Vos Soirées
L’été approche à grands pas, amenant avec lui une palette de saveurs
fruitées qui promettent d’agrémenter nos moments de détente et de
convivialité. Parm...
for én time siden
Great 7!! And I adore that first photo.
SvarSlettMy son's middle name is after Kundera. I love that book, too. And the film, for that matter. Great list! Be well.
SvarSlettLove your list! Interesting lady indeed!
SvarSlettThat book (the Kundera novel) made such an impression on me too, in my teens. I often think about it.
SvarSlettI went to Bali years ago and fell in LOVE with that place.