Explosion de Saveurs Estivales: Découvrez le Meilleur Punch à la Fraise
pour Vos Soirées
L’été approche à grands pas, amenant avec lui une palette de saveurs
fruitées qui promettent d’agrémenter nos moments de détente et de
convivialité. Parm...
for 4 timer siden
goodness, me too! sounds perfect...
SvarSlettThat's what I'd like to do tomorrow, too.
SvarSlett...Hah! If only!
It's so bizarre...I saw this photo someplace else a while back, and it gives me the worst case of deja vu.
A boyfriend of mine that I lived with in my early years in NYC....waaaaay back when...kept an old photo of an ex-girlfriend of his that was almost exactly this photo. It just sends shockwaves through my memory.
I know the feeling. Ah, to curl up with a book, a cookie and a cup of tea... the bliss...